Kevin O'Donnell 9th November 2023

Like Charlie, I started work on the Hillingdon Mirror as a cub reporter. I was 19 and a bit wet behind the ears but Patrick was immediately friendly and affable and made me feel very welcome. He was always the first to offer help and advice. He was a brilliant FOC and we stood on many a picket line together. Like Charlie I went on to become an FOC of one of the biggest chapels in EMAP. I wonder how many of us were inspired to become activists by Patrick? Many of us I suspect. What I most respected about him was his integrity which was always non-negotiable. I remember his many negotiation with various editors who would try to buy his loyalty by taking him into their confidences. Patrick always reminded them that anything and everything they said would be reported back to the chapel. He wasn't joking. Apart from being a great FOC and friend he was also a great journalist, passionate about causes that others often ignored. I was always envious of the fact that he covered the Hayes patch because that's where all the crime was! He wrote superbly well and had some great contacts in Hayes. I always read his stories with relish so I could learn from a journalist who represented everything I wanted to be. He was also great fun to be with and enjoying a pint with him at a local hostelry was always a treat. His sense of humour was second to none and he was always loyal, kept in touch and treasured friendships. He was immensely proud of his daughters and wife Julia and sincere condolences to them. He's gone too soon but it was a life well lived.