Lesley Cramp 2nd November 2023

When I saw Patrick at the hospice he told me about Rachel's wedding, which he was so delighted to be able to attend. He was very pleased and somewhat surprised to find he had received a standing ovation from everyone there - which he described as the only occasion in his life when he had received such a tribute. If he could only read what people have said on this website. I think he would be pleased but being the wonderful and modest person, he was he would be blushing. He would also be pleased to know we are all talking to each other and making plans to meet up - plans which I hope will continue. I am lost for words to describe how I feel - but I want to express my thanks for the pleasure and privilege of knowing Patrick. He enhanced my life in so many ways (far too many to list) for more than 45 years. He was a very good friend as well as a brilliant writer, journalist, trade unionist, husband, father, brother and all-round lovely chap. Thanks to the family and the hospice for taking such wonderful care of him, particularly the nurse who told me he was her favourite, as he was for all of us. Also to the gardening volunteer who I pressed to accept a donation for plants and who promised to buy some bulbs - so there will be something growing there for Patrick in the Spring.