Remembering Patrick

Created by Steve 8 months ago

I first met Patrick in York some years ago when I was looking for someone to talk about the British media to groups of journalists and politicians visiting the city. His ability to explain complex issues with clarity, precision and wit immediately set him apart; and his moral and political convictions and political judgement also shone through from the start.

He soon became a valued friend, and when big events hit the news, I would so often find myself thinking “I wonder what Patrick thinks about this” and turning to him for his wise opinion. He was such good company – over a pint or three, at a football match, and, with Julia, offering such warm and generous hospitality in their ever-welcoming home. He could be hilariously funny and there was an ease about him which perhaps derived from his seeming to be entirely unburdened by ego.

And after an enviable career in politics and journalism, he then produced his wonderful novel which I hope will be read by many to achieve the widespread recognition that it deserves. Even quite recently, he was recommending new books and still had that twinkle in his eye, while remaining stoical and uncomplaining.

He set a standard of lived humanity that very few of us have any chance of coming near to achieving. Thanks, Patrick.